Popular Reviews

Buying An Elliptical Trainer As A Professional Athlete

Staff Writer7 min read - includes audio
Buying An Elliptical Trainer As A Professional Athlete

When looking for an elliptical machine as a professional athlete, […]

Cubii JR2 Under Desk Elliptical Trainer

Staff Writer6 min read - includes audio
Cubii JR2 Under Desk Elliptical Trainer

The Cubii JR2 is an under-the-desk elliptical trainer – we […]

How to Use the Elliptical Machine to Strengthen the Hamstring


How to Use the Elliptical Machine to Strengthen the Hamstring

The elliptical trainer provides a low-impact cardiovascular workout that is an ideal alternative to running or other activities that are tough on the joints. Working on resistance, your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings and calves are activated as you pedal the footpads forwards or backwards. Though your hamstrings will be strengthened during an average workout on the elliptical, there are steps you can take to increase the benefit to the back of your legs


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Elliptical vs. Walking: Which Is Better?


Whether using the elliptical or simply walking is better may depend on your individual goals and which is a better fit for you. Calories expended,…

Can You Do Speed Work on an Elliptical?

Can You Do Speed Work on an Elliptical?

Can You Do Speed Work on an Elliptical? If you’re at the gym and all the treadmills are taken or your joints won’t allow you…

Elliptical Workout to Lose Weight: Can a Crossover Elliptical Help You Lose Weight?

Elliptical Workout to Lose Weight: Can a Crossover Elliptical Help You Lose Weight?

Elliptical Workout to Lose Weight: Can a Crossover Elliptical Help You Lose Weight? The creation of a calorie deficit from cardio exercise and a calorie-reduced…

How to Lose Weight With Elliptical Workouts

How to Lose Weight With Elliptical Workouts

How to Lose Weight With Elliptical Workouts Elliptical machines provide cardiovascular exercise with less stress on your knees, hips and back compared to running on…

Does Pedaling Backward on an Elliptical Machine Hurt Your Knees?

Does Pedaling Backward on an Elliptical Machine Hurt Your Knees?

Does Pedaling Backward on an Elliptical Machine Hurt Your Knees? The elliptical machine provides an ellipse movement that is similar to a combination between running…

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