Popular Reviews
If you’re injured and looking for a low-impact workout option, […]
The Cubii JR2 is an under-the-desk elliptical trainer – we […]
What is the Schwinn Fitness 470 Elliptical? The Schwinn Fitness 470 is an elliptical machine that is designed for home use. It is a mid-range…
Welcome to our guide on 5 training workouts for an elliptical machine! Whether you’re a beginner looking to get in shape or an experienced athlete…
5 Elliptical Hacks That Can Help You Shed More Pounds
5 Elliptical Hacks That Can Help You Shed More Pounds
If you’re like a lot of people taking a spin on the elliptical—as in, you climb on and start pedaling without giving your workout much thought—you could be selling your cardio time short. And if you’re working to lose inches, that can be really disappointing.
With the right strategy, that hunk of metal gets your heart rate up, burns calories, and builds muscle to boost your metabolism.
Popular Videos
Front Drive VS Rear Drive Ellipticals: Does It Even Matter? To the uninformed exerciser, the location of the motor on an elliptical machine may not…
Hop on an elliptical machine regularly, and you’ll start to notice several positive health benefits — from toned buttocks and arms to improved heart health.…
Benefits of Elliptical Cross Trainers Meet your daily aerobic activity requirements without risking an injury by hopping on an elliptical machine. The 2008 Physical Activity…
Elliptical Benefits: 10 Reason to Use The Elliptical Machine If you typically need to wait in line to use your gym’s elliptical machine during peak…
Does Elliptical Exercise Cause Stomach Muscles to Enlarge? The elliptical, also known as the cross-trainer, is a great low-impact alternative to running. Similar to a…