Popular Reviews

Schwinn Fitness 470 Elliptical

Staff Writer8 min read - includes audio
Schwinn Fitness 470 Elliptical

What is the Schwinn Fitness 470 Elliptical? The Schwinn Fitness 470 is an elliptical machine that is designed for home use. It is a mid-range…


Louise Carter0 min read - includes audio

Comparison of Elliptical Trainers

Staff Writer5 min read - includes audio
Comparison of Elliptical Trainers

Welcome to our comparison of the top elliptical trainers on […]

Cubii JR2 Under Desk Elliptical Trainer

Staff Writer6 min read - includes audio
Cubii JR2 Under Desk Elliptical Trainer

The Cubii JR2 is an under-the-desk elliptical trainer – we […]

Buying An Elliptical Trainer As A Professional Athlete

Staff Writer7 min read - includes audio
Buying An Elliptical Trainer As A Professional Athlete

When looking for an elliptical machine as a professional athlete, […]

Negative Effect of the Elliptical on the Hips


Negative Effect of the Elliptical on the Hips

The elliptical has long been touted as a gentler and more natural workout as compared to other workout equipment like a treadmill or stair stepper. Because your legs move in an elliptical, or oval, shape when you run, jog or walk, the elliptical mimics a more natural movement. However, there are a variety of reasons why the elliptical may cause you pain or discomfort; understanding these reasons can guide you in structuring a safe and effective workout.


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Does an Elliptical Make Bad Knees Worse?

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How Long Per Day Should I Use the Elliptical Trainer?

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